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Leading the way with a new Mental Health HUB at St. Paul’s Hospital

Brilliant Gala
The Vancouver Police Foundation is proud to announce its leadership donation of $750,000 towards a new Mental Health HUB at St. Paul’s Hospital. This innovative facility will efficiently connect patients with care givers, reduce wait times at hospital and provide long-term solutions to the complex challenges associated with mental illness and drug addiction. The gift was made possible through an anonymous donation made to the Vancouver Police Foundation by a donor who recognized the need for more resources and wanted to assist the VPD and the Foundation with our focus on the area of Mental Health and Addictions. Chief Constable Adam Palmer made the announcement of the donation at the St. Paul’s Gala, Brilliant, on September 24, 2016.

bub_sitebThe intent of the HUB is to improve the quality of service for people who are struggling with serious mental health and addictions by providing quicker service and decreasing the ‘revolving door’ of crisis response. Once individuals are stabilized at the HUB, the Vancouver Police Foundation Transitional Centre will fill a critical transition gap by providing referral to housing, other social services, and follow-up care.

“From a public safety perspective, there is no question that our partnership with St. Paul’s Hospital in developing the HUB will be transformational and beneficial for patients, the police, and our community,” 
says VPD Chief Constable Adam Palmer. “The VPD is committed to pursuing access to care through collaboration with health care providers so that individuals living with mental illness and addiction issues get the support they need.”

Others have joined the Foundation with leveraging funds for this project:

$750,000 Vancouver Police Foundation

$1,750,000 St. Paul’s Foundation

$1,000,000 The City of Vancouver

$3,000,000 Annual Operating funds from
Vancouver Coastal Health/Providence Health Care

“Strong partnership between St. Paul’s Foundation, Vancouver Police Department, Vancouver Police Foundation, Providence Health Care, St. Paul’s Health Innovation, Vancouver Coastal Health, the Ministry of Health and the City of Vancouver are making the innovative HUB possible,” said Dick Vollet, President and CEO, St. Paul’s FoundationA special thank-you to Superintendent Daryl Wiebe and Inspector Howard Tran who worked very closely with all stakeholders to bring the HUB to fruition.


BC Business

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Monte Cristo Magazine

St.Paul’s Foundation

The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.

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