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The Vancouver Police Foundation celebrates this year’s Grant Awards Recipients

On October 11th, the Foundation held this year’s Grant Awards Ceremony at the Vancouver Club. The evening was kicked-off by the VPD Lion Dance Team’s performance– the costumes were amazing (& proudly funded by the Foundation) and it really started the evening most impressively!

This year the Foundation awarded a total of 37 Grants, totaling $377,000. Constable Tajinder (Terry) Parmar was this year’s recipient of the Cannacord Genuity Vancouver Police Community Champion Award.  Cst. Parmar has boundless energy – he volunteers his time to the Foundation at events throughout the year, he has submitted grant after successful grant (most related to helping disadvantaged youth), and he is involved with the Khalsa Diwan Society Community Policing Centre – the first CPC in Canada located inside a religious building. Three cheers for Terry!!!

We were also very excited to present a special award to Peter Brown (the Foundation’s past-Chair and current Trustee). Peter is an amazing supporter of the Cadet Program – he has been utterly tireless in raising funds to support the creation of this life-changing youth program. In his honour, the VPD Cadet Graduation Dinner has been named the Peter M. Brown Cadet Graduation Dinner. From all of us at the Vancouver Police Foundation, thank you for your commitment, Peter.

The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.

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