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VPD Strathcona Bike Smart

The VPD Strathcona Bike Smart Program is back in 2024 with three free events!

Participants, aged 5-12 will receive:

  • Healthy snacks and lunch for them and up to two family members
  • Safety gear including a helmet, bell, reflectors, USB bike lights and a lock
  • Bike skills training with VPD bike instructors
  • Rules of the road training with VPD traffic instructors

With funding from the Vancouver Police Foundation, the program will be made possible for 30 kids per day.  *Kids must already have their own bike to participate.


  1. June 29th – REGISTRATION FULL
  2. July 14th – REGISTRATION FULL
  3. August 17th – REGISTRATION FULL

Time: 10am – 3pm

Location: MacLean Park, 700 block E Georgia Street, Vancouver

To apply, fill out the application form below. Participants will be selected based on the following criteria, with preference given in the following order:

  1. Residents of the Strathcona area
  2. Residents of Vancouver
  3. Residents outside of Vancouver

Preference will also be given to children who have not participated in past a event. You may apply for multiple dates, but will only be selected for one. Applications will only  be accepted during the following periods:

  • June 29th Workshop: Registration closed.
  • July 14th Workshop: Registration closed.
  • August 17th Workshop: Registration closed (full).

If you have any questions, please reach out to