Sunday, May 26th
9:00 am 5 km Walk / 9:30 am 5 km Run
Start and Finish: HMCS Discovery, 1200 Stanley Park Drive
The Vancouver Police Foundation is proud to join the Vancouver Police Emergency Response Team in support of the 26th Annual Larry Young Memorial Run.
Each year, members of the Emergency Response Team host a 5 km run and walk in Sgt. Young’s honour. Sgt. Young was a founding member of the Vancouver Police Emergency Response Team who died in the performance of his duties on February 2, 1987. All proceeds from the event and t‐shirt sales go towards the Larry Young Scholarship Fund for high school students at David Thompson Secondary School.
Following the run, a short memorial honouring Sgt. Young will be held at HMCS Discovery, which will include a brunch and door prizes. Please join us and register today! Interested in volunteering? Sign up here.
The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.