On April 11th, the Foundation hosted the 2018 Peter M. Brown VPD Cadets’ Graduation Dinner.
It was a phenomenal evening where members of the VPD, supporters of the VPD Cadet Program, and special guests attended to celebrate the Cadets – they are truly an amazing and inspiring group of young adults.
We send a special thanks to The Honorable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia and guest speaker, Mr. Tommy Europe for being part of the evening.
As always, the Foundation sincerely thanks the generous Sponsors and Founding Partners, and, in particular, to Mr. Peter Brown (past-Chair of the Vancouver Police Foundation) for working so tirelessly to ensure the Cadet Program continues changing the lives of our City’s youth.
If you are interested in supporting the VPD Cadet Program, our website.
If you would like to learn more about the VPD Cadet Program, please visit their website.
Photo Highlights
The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.