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The Popatch Garden Team

We often share stories about VPD members going above and beyond to support people and build bridges in every nook and cranny of our city. They also do it in every nook and cranny of several of VPD’s facilities, including VPD headquarters on Cambie Street.

Nearly eight years ago, a group of sworn and civilian VPD members came together to do something about the third-floor rooftop patio and “garden”. At the time, the garden was a tangle of weeds and brambles and nothing else grew there.

After days of back-breaking labour, the team had the space cleaned up and reached out to the Vancouver Police Foundation for seed funding – literally!

With the VPF funding, they planted a number of fruit, vegetable and flower beds. That garden now produces a significant amount of healthy, fresh food during the summer months, which is donated to two deserving and important organizations – the Urban Native Youth Association and the Yukon Shelter.

Prior to the pandemic, the group also worked with Hives for Humanity to care for several bee hives on site. The honey and beeswax produced was packaged into products that were sold internally and the funds raised donated to charity. They hope to bring the bee hives back as soon as public health restrictions allow.

The six members of the team look after the garden every day – at different times and in different forms. One of the team comes before work (5:00 am!) to water and weed and others give up their lunch breaks or stop-in after work to ensure the garden is in good shape.

This summer, the garden produced a bumper crop of amazing food that has been distributed to members of our community who greatly need it.

The VPF is so proud to support dozens of VPD members, like the Popatch Garden team, who go above and beyond each and every day to make our community better and safer for all.

The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.

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