The 2016 Grant Ceremony took place on October 5th. We would like to take the time to thank all the VPD members and civilians who took the initiative to think about new programs and ways we can build safer communities and who submitted a grant proposal this past year. We are also extremely grateful to the Foundation Trustees who, through a new funding program ASPIRE 2016, raised over $290,000 to assist with the grants this year. Within a few weeks of launching ASPIRE in June, all 27 grants were fully funded. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Trustees for their support and 100% participation as their involvement is immeasurable for the recipients and will create a lasting impact in our communities.
The Grants Ceremony also kicked -off the Foundation 40th Anniversary activities. The Foundation is one of the oldest Police Foundations in Canada and we are very proud. Over the next few months we will be sharing with you stories from the past 40 years.
ASPIRE is a program that pairs our Trustees with programs that they would personally find the funding for. Learn more about the grants we funded this year: 2016 Funded Projects.
At the Grants Ceremony, we recognized and thanked the following trustees, who have decided to step down from the board: Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia, Stuart Belkin, Peter Bentley and David Podmore. We are appreciative of their incredible contribution to the Foundation during their term. We also officially welcomed our new Trustees to the Board: Randy Cooke, Hank Ketcham, Andrew Lachford, John Montalbano and Praveen Varshney. We are grateful for their commitment to our organization and look forward to working with them.
Photo Gallery
Below are some images from the Grants ceremony that was held at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.
The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.