On October 30, 2018, VPD representatives, in partnership with the Vancouver Police Foundation, Vancouver School District 39. VSU and Metro Vancouver Transit Police, hosted its second annual YouthConnect event. More than 140 personally selected Grade 10 students participated in a full-day symposium to explore timely and modern issues. The sessions were led by experienced, interactive presenters and covered a wide range of topics, including: sexual health, making smart choices, online and IRL (in real life!), personal safety, breaking down social barriers and redefining masculinity.
In a fun and safe learning environment, the students were encouraged to engage in thought-provoking dialogue and to challenge themselves. One of the primary goals of YouthConnect is to eliminate the stigma around certain topics, so youth are more comfortable confronting and talking about the issues and challenges they face. This symposium helps to build confidence – at an age when youth are most impressionable and when their choices can determine the paths of the rest of their lives.
This event provided an amazing opportunity for youth to see another side of the VPD – that officers are not only involved in law enforcement, but they are also invested in the community and the safety of our youth. The YouthConnect Committee is extremely grateful for the continued support of the Vancouver Police Foundation, volunteers and community partners like the Roundhouse Community Centre and Freshii. Their support makes this such a valuable and well-received event for the kids!
The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.