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Hollywood comes to Vancouver

The Vancouver Police Pipe Band premiered their documentary movie The Queen’s New Guard, at the Vancouver International Film Theatre, on Monday January 22. The sold-out event was attended by Chief Adam Palmer, Deputy Chiefs’ Rankin and Chow, and almost 200 other guests. The theatre lobby was donned with an array of movie posters, showing off the band in London plus a red-carpet entrance for the guests. As guests mingled in the lobby, they were treated to a performance by the pipes and drums before the theatre doors opened.

Pipe Sgt. Bob Murphie took the podium, with a few words before the curtains parted. For the next 90 minutes, the theatre-goers viewed the band’s journey to London, England and how it progressed from just an idea to a reality. Full of drama, toils and successes, all captured amongst the colorful backdrop of the Royal residences .

The Vancouver Police Pipe Band would like to thank the Vancouver Police Foundation for its generous contribution toward this extraordinary documentary as well as the Band’s unforgettable trip to the United Kingdom.

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The Vancouver Police Foundation supports programs and initiatives that fall within three streams: community outreach and engagement (including programs for women, youth and seniors); public and personal safety; and specialized equipment and technology. You can help make Vancouver safer for all by donating to the Vancouver Police Foundation.

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