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News & Stories

VPD officers and program participants share their connection to the Vancouver Police Foundation and the impact of the grants that are awarded.

VPF Annnounces 2012 Approved Grants

The VPF has announced that the following proposals have been funded for 2012: Winter Classic KidSafe Student Challenge Vancouver Police Museum Programs Collapsible Special Operations Bunker ISEP 200 BC Pilot Project Media Room Backdrop SVCPC Fingerprinting & Identification Program Equipment Upgrades for Community Policing Motorcycle Unit Flight Kits Items for Sex Trade Industry Women’s Safety […]...

Vancouver Police Foundation Holds 2012 AGM

The Vancouver Police Foundation Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, June 19, 2012.  The Trustees were in attendance along with the successful grant recipients and their colleagues.  The Foundation received over 40 grant proposals, and 18 recipients were successful in receiving funding.  A few initiatives that were funded were the Aboriginal Pulling Together Journey, a […]...

70,000 Posters of Suspected Rioters to Hit the Streets

Inspector Les Yeo Integrated Riot Investigation Team This morning are launching a major poster campaign that will blanket the region with posters featuring 100 rioters.  The public support has been incredible.  In two weeks we were able to assemble over 340 volunteers and 70 police officers to help hand out 70,000 posters, across 75 locations, in […]...

VPF Funds Riot Poster

On November 16th the VPD launched a poster campaign to enlist the public’s support in identifying suspected rioters. During a 12-hour period, a team of 150 volunteers distributed 35,000 posters featuring photos of 104 suspected rioters. Reaction to the poster was tremendous. People came down from office buildings asking for stacks of posters for their […]...

VPF Keeps Kids Safe at Queen Alexandra Elementary

This summer, the VPF awarded $25,000 to KidSafe, an organization that provides nurturing safe havens for vulnerable inner-city children when schools are traditionally closed. Our funding helped KidSafe provide 280 hours of programming to 350 at risk children and youth. We recently heard back from them about the impact of our donation. “It’s widely recognized […]...

Mounted Squad Benefits from London Drugs’ Love

As one of the businesses affected by the June 15 Stanley Cup riots, London Drugs was keen to find a way to acknowledge the Vancouver Police Department and the officers who helped their staff to safety that night. The company recognized the goodwill amongst Vancouver’s citizens and quickly launched an in-store fundraising program with two […]...